Workplace Resources

How to Talk about Mental Health with Your Employees

As leaders, it's easy to assume that our teams are aware of the mental health resources available to them, or that those who need help are already getting it.

Nov 1, 2023

How to Talk about Mental Health with Your Employees

As leaders, it's easy to assume that our teams are aware of the mental health resources available to them, or that those who need help are already getting it.

Unfortunately, studies show that this isn't true. It's important to keep checking in and reminding them of the resources they can access if they’re in need of assistance.

So what is the right way to go about it? There’s no denying that talking about mental health is tricky. However, these three simple tips can help you successfully navigate those important conversations.

💭 Share Your Own Experiences
One of the most important things you can do as a leader is be open about the challenges you face personally. It doesn’t have to be invasive or overly personal. It can be as simple as openly saying that you’re taking a day off for mental health reasons.

When leaders are willing to be open and vulnerable in discussing their own mental health challenges, employees feel more empowered to do the same without fear of judgment or reprisal. Being brave enough to start the conversation can create a workplace where everyone feels comfortable and accepted.

👂 Listen Sincerely
When you’ve created an environment where talking about mental health is acceptable, it follows that people will want to talk. The best thing you can do in that situation is be a sincere, attentive listener. Talk privately, give the other person your undivided attention, and ask what would be most helpful for them right now.

📘 Educate about Mental Health Resources
Make sure your team knows--and gets reminded often--about the mental health resources available to them. There are many ways to do this: company emails, reminders at monthly staff meetings, or dedicated presentations.

It also helps to have information about mental health resources available on your employee website. Some people may not be interested at the time of a meeting, but they may go looking for those links later when the need arises. It’s good practice to make that information accessible without having to go through another person.

Your employees are complex people. They have interests, relationships, hobbies, and habits outside the workplace that affect and influence their performance at work--and that affect their mental health and wellbeing. At Impact Suite, we believe in an approach to healing that encompasses all those complexities of the whole person--the social determinants of health. Making small improvements over time can lead to massive outcomes.

Learn more today at

About Impact Suite

Impact Suite is a modern mental wellness company getting at the roots of emotional health through preventative technology and professional care.

If you would like Impact Suite as a mental health benefit in your business or organization, schedule a demo today.

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